Thursday, April 16, 2009

the 2009 Easter Egg Hunt!

we had our "annual" egg hunt again this year on the 11th in Heidi's neighborhood. last year we had it in the area around the lake and gazebo, which was beautiful...but it was taken this we ventured to the clubhouse/pool area and claimed our hunting grounds, which actually turned out to be a better place to "hide" the eggs!
the weather was cold and threatening rain...but our spirits were HIGH and we forged on!
the favorite eggs were those with MONEY in them...hmmmm.......a little "young" for money hunger, don't you think??? ha!.......of course, along the way were their silly antics and cute!
we had planned to have a picnic meal, with red checked cloths and ALL...but the weather changed that plan...we ate our picnic lunches in the warmth of Heidi's kitchen......and so goes the plans for the "first" picnic of the year!...

1 comment:

gretchen said...

Your grandkids are so precious! I gave my mom your Easter card--she loved it!!!!