here it goes .....
firstly.......i will tell you what i DO tolerate during this season......not to confuse FALL with the H word.....i LOVE love love Fall......all things remotely FALL, anything that even slightly gives a Fall "feeling".......which does overlap a little bit with the H word.......
i DO love pumpkins and have NO problem with carving a Jack O Lantern or two.......
i DO love trick or treating........IF it is totally a "fun" thing, with parental supervision NO matter the age, and IF the costume does not in any way portray EVIL.....however, because it is impossible to go out trick or treating without running into and seeing EVIL, BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, etc. etc........i believe a child should be taught WHY it is wrong
we have always in some form had a fun family gathering around the trick or treat activity on H night......i also enjoy GIVING out treats.....and it actually is a great way to share the gospel via a tract or gift certificate.....
wellllllllll.......that is about it for the POSITIVE side......
i must admit........there are MANY very very cute images that i am VERY drawn to, that i am so tempted to "allow" into my Fall decor......like :
CUTE ghosts!
CUTE witches!
CUTE goblins!
CUTE wizards!
etc. etc......and honestly.........sometimes i have given in to the "cuteness".......and then have to throw the item out, for my concious sake..
all i know is that we MUST obey God's Word.....and what HE has to say about these things.......
Galatians 5:19-21
"The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and WITCHCRAFT; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you, as I did before,that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."
Micah 5:10-15
"In that day," declares the Lord, "i will destroy your horses from among you and demolish your chariots. I will destroy the cities of your land and tear down all your strongholds. I will destroy your WITCHCRAFT and you will no longer CAST SPELLS. I will destroy your carved images and your sacred stones from among you; you will no longer bow down to the work of your hands. I will uproot from among you your Asherah poles and demolish your cities. I will take vengeance in anger and wrath upon the nations that have not obeyed me."
i think these verses clearly reveal God's heart about some of these unspeakable evils.......what is really provoking, however, is how God lists alongside these OBVIOUS evils.....things that each of us are guilty of, usually EVERY day, like anger and rage, selfishness,divisions.....on and on.....these we quite regularly commit......something to think about, that is for sure
so back to the H day........i guess it really bothers me that really GOOD people,.....ie.....people who teach their children that murder is WRONG......dissecting bodies is WRONG.......the humiliation of the GRAVE and exposing the SKELETOL remains is WRONG.....and ON and On and ON.........these "good" people........let all their "goodness" go during the month of October and highly visualize on their front lawns UNSPEAKABLE acts of EVIL.......with NO shame, in fact the bigger, the bloodiest, the gory-est.......the BETTER......yeah, you get the picture!
the stuff that is sold in stores throughout our country for H is unbelievable! i work at Michaels...we have a section in the store.....actually 2 sections with absolutely HIDEOUS things for sale.......many children are so scared....and i am so ashamed to even have to apologize for the presence of such stuff........THEN.....and i have to say........MOST people of ALL ages LOVE IT......the worse the BETTER......they are.......well.........like .....BLOOD THIRSTY.....i am not kidding.......
in one of our displays there is a bride and groom.......and of course they are DEAD......and what they say is horrible........with "sexual" undertones.........and this is on display for children of ALL ages.....
can you tell i am mad? well i am.......and i don't understand it.......honestly......if anyone has ever endured a murder in the family, or a body dismemberment via any kind of accident......or any medical atrocity that deforms the body........HOW can we, as civilized human beings GLORIFY the awfulness of it to "celebrate" H day?
i think it goes to show that when you take GOD out of anything.......EVIL presides and takes over......and atrocity and sin and unspeakable acts is what follows.......
SO FOLKS......sure wish i was a lot smarter and could eloquently give you a dissertation on why i hate H........but now you have it.......in ALL my UN-ELOQUENTNESS!
obviously, this is a subject that could go on and on with soooo much more to look into......but.......well......i'm not smart enuf......and have no time......but i will tell you one thing.....
i am so thankful for the God who lives IN me and THRU me....
1John 4: 4:
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the ONE who is in you is GREATER than the one who is in the world."
and so, i end with this last verse (above)....one of my favorite verses and one i quote OFTEN when troubled by that ol original trouble maker and lover of EVIL.....Satan.........
Sandi..so glad you found the bible verses to back up why all the evil things are not right. I'm going to mark down these verses in the back of my Bible to refer to when others ask me in regards to Halloween -satan related items. Even clothing that has the skull and cross bones for all to buy, especially for skaters. Just had this incident with Erin wanting to buy Jayden something with a skull on it. Thanks for taking a stand on your beliefs. I'm with you all the way.
Just a warning here.....Ava wanted to be a punk pirate princess this year, and YES, it has a CUTE cross and skullbones on it.......hope this doesn't make her evil!! LOL!
Great post! I totally agree! I guess its time to get on my soap box about it also!
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