oh my! what a RUCOUS!!! (sp?)...........let me just say that when together, they are quite the PACK..........and guess who is the PRIMARY leader of the pack??? ADDIE........in all her glory!........oh, oh, oh........dear son, Peter and dear dear sweet Hollie........you better have your seat belts on!!! (LOL).......she is the loudest, the busiest, the funniest, most animated, craziest....well, get the pic?........the others try to compete........but she is the leader by a "fir piece"!
the birthday party was a smash.....they had a ball.....it was in the Lake Arrowhead neighborhood......so the kids thought it was an adventure "in the woods"......and adventure it was!....they ran thru those trees....pretending...who knows what!!!...notice Addie's hair.......it was pristeen when her mother delivered her to me.........yup, a few minutes running thru the woods......and well,.....not so much pristeen any more!
also please note the various and asundry STAINS on their FACES and CLOTHING!.........they would be a result of painting in the craft time plus an ENORMOUS amount of eating every kind of candy known to man, PLUS birthday cake with purple and every other color of frosting!!!!!........
the ride home.............well, suffice it to say.......after ALL the SUGAR......they were WOUND tight!.........ADDIE started the CHANTING GAME........one example would be.......NANA HAS A WEDGIE!!!.........the others chimed in with their own special chant........and so it went until we turned into our driveway........well, actually it didn't end there.......they were chanting........LOUDLY as they got out of the car........if i had LOOKED.......i am sure neighbors were staring and glaring and wondering what kind of a racket we were running!........FOUR CHANTING, dirty filthy children following us into our house!!!
all i can say......is I LOVE GRANDCHILDREN>>>>>>>>>MORE and MORE every time i see them!!!!
She is quite a MESS!! They had such a fun time with you and Pap Pap! Next time, we will leave you with all 4 kids for an entire WEEKEND!!!!!!
Oh my gosh!! They are sooooo funny, and I can just see Addie running the pack!! She is Ava's hero.....Ava would like to "grow up" to be just like her!!! ha!ha!
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