this is one of MANY of the wonderful little "treasures" i reaped from cleaning out my mother-in-law's stashes!!! more to come as i have time!!!
btw...SCROFULA???? are you kidding me????....oh my goodness!!! has anyone on this earth EVER heard that term??? i have heard the term consumption...but NOT SCROFULA!!! it sounds like a naughty word if you ask me!

lookie!!! Scott's Emulsion is still in business!!!!! Holy Cow!.....does that mean we REALLY shouldn't be thin???????????
There's your proof!Forget the diet!!
Interesting article:
Also, about being thin/fat. We should be thinner, but we do need to have fat to achieve that (imho). Cut out sugar and bad carbs and fat, but keep in good fats, protein, and good carbs (fruit and veggies - whole grains). Take a look at the Schwarzbein Principle. Interesting.
i know anonymous number one...but WHO are you anon # 2??? please tell me....
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