Thursday, April 24, 2008


okay, so here are THE monkey-shiners!!!
my comment to Carter and his cross-eyed pictures are...SOME DAY your eyes will stay that way!....but that look SURE does symbolize how i feel MOST of the time! aye yai yai!!!
my comment on AVA is....only in REDNECK COUNTRY will it be "hip" to be in a bikini AND rain boots! that not hilarious???
and my comment on the TWO sister MONKEY-SHINERS....oh my word....are they ever characters! doesn't the monkey-shine just OOZE out of them??????
today i had Ava with me and we went to Hope and Addie's........Hope was in school til mid afternoon and it was Ava and Addie....oh my...they are soooo funny! i just wish i could capture and be able to relate to you their EXTREME comedic ways!.........but here is one...i thought i was going to split my sides.....i was bathing Ava and Addie...(believe me...they NEEDED it!........they had been playing quite ferocisouly in the back yard and it was a bit wet and muddy) of course they were a splishin and a splashin in the ol tubby wubby....(.while i am trying to protect the bathroom from being completely SOAKED..........)..........and Addie grabs this toothbrush that was in the tub along with the other bathtub paraphenalia.....(i certainly had been wondering about it...whose is it? where has it been? and what body parts has it touched???......and it a current...getting used daily toothbrush????........i soon got my answer!.....firstly Addie says it is for her toes and she proceeds to scrub all 10 toes.....then she suds it up with soap.........she leans back in the tub.........throws one leg in the air........and says she now has to shave her legs.........and she proceeds to "shave" with the toothbrush, in the most artful position imaginable.......(much like the one i used to be able to accomplish in bygone days........)..........she then looks at her legs and slaps them and says"HAIR! STOP growing!!!"...............oh my word of honor.....of course this intrigued Ava, and she felt the need for a little toe-nail cleaning and leg shaving!!!..........i know this does not capture what really happened...but if you know Addie at ALL........i am sure you find it believable! definitely entertained me,that is, until i had to clean up the SPLISH and SPLASH activity!
needless to say, by the end of the day....all 3 girls were WIPED OUT and so was their....NEE NEE/NANA!

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