actually i have to WORK today......but OFF tomorrow......i am hoping for the MAGIC to happen then........i will keep you posted.......
oh by the way.....we just got a new printer/scanner.......it worked beautifully yesterday........and guess what........this morning....it won't even turn on.......i have checked everything a female knows how to check.....talked to husband on the phone.....tried everything he told me to check......STILL....NO GO.......how frustrating is THAT??? i was going to design my CHRISTMAS cards......with pics from my mixed media.......which would probably go out.....oh, let's say...maybe if i am lucky......Jan. 15th or so..........but NOW??? WHAT????.....more pressure!!!!!!!
People! don't DO as i DO!
Maybe you could just start something new and sent out New Year's cards.
Yes! I did find the gift tags! Thank you very much! Jewel is an AMAZING scent. It can be purchased through my mark boutique - www.mymarkstore.com/hkoopman
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
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