Welll.......i am just really bummed.......the missing cord to my camera is not readily available in any logical store.......if EVEN it is available at all........waaaaaaa........yes, i am STILL crying........but.......i will tell you WHAT was on it, in the event i never see it on this blog.....which is likely! Whenever Hopie spends time with me....it is always FUN filled and busy.....we spent a lot of time doing a sticker book about Horton Hears a Who........she loved it and was very intent on getting it finished. ...the pics on my camera show us at our little park ......she is pushing her baby.......BRUNO.....(a baby cabbage patch.....i got it for her for her birthday.........AT HER request.......and she loves him!)..........so he is swinging away as she pushes him........of course it is MUCH cuter to see it than for me to tell you about it........then the other pics are of Hope and Pap Pap playing a little musical instrument......somewhat like a zylophone.....(sp???)..........he taught her some simple songs and she picked right up on them!!!!......yes, it is installed at our park....i know! weird, huh? but the kids love it!
later in the day we watched some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoons.......and we learned how to burp Bruno........top, top,.....bottom, bottom, ,...middle, middle, middle.....(repeat)....THEN...........
BURP!......and it really works.......seriously!.......Bruno burped!!! (or was that Pap Pap?)......hmmmmmmmmm.......all set to music, of course.........AGAIN.........MUCH is lost in the translation in this blog.......but TRUST me........it was adorable!
Sorry , what could have been so CUTE and PRECIOUS....IF ONLY I HAD A CORD FOR MY CAMERA!............oh well.......that's how the ball bounces sometimes, huh?.....................so....i must continue with my thievery of pictures..........and miss out on my own initiative of any pics!..........waaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........still me...............still crying...............
1 comment:
Try to google the name of your camera and the words fire wire. (Like this: Sony Cybershot 3.2 fire wire) See what happens. You might find a photo shop or an ebay seller that has one. Don't worry, there is someone out there who has one wasting space.
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