today i have decided to randomly show you my back patio!

and with this sad picture of my pathetic tomato plant i will end this edition of the back patio, randomly presented for your entertainment pleasure on this particular random Tuesday......if you are reading this, Diana, dear Iowa friend......remember the hilarious tomato plant you gave us years ago and we didn't know how to take care of it and when you saw it again you laughed til you couldn't breathe and i didn't know what in the world was so funny?????? remember???????........well......i since have learned how to take care of plants rather well, not great, but better than a long time ago.......but this year.......something is wrong, that is for sure......i think while i was in Iowa it didn't get plant food cuz i forgot to tell larry that plants needed food too, and so they all starved for two weeks........then when i got home i was too tired to basically all my vegetation went without food for over 3 weeks......well anyway.......more randomeness to come when i can find the time......btw....i would rather blog than do laundry, clean, cook, or most any other chore.......but NO ONE else will do the work for gotta quit fer now!

So cute! Now I think you need to show our favorite 3 letters on the wall of your house!!!!! or maybe just 2...ha ha.
Sandi, your patio is beautimous!!! (to use a favorite made-up word!) Not only do I love the pictures of your patio, but now I'm wondering....what are those 3 favorite letters? I'm also enjoying the new blog update....the white background is great with the flowers! LOVED the writing ON the living are you doing that??? It's so much fun to come to your patio via pictues and read your blog!!!
Like your patio. Next year I am going to start a garden of my own. I have two experts to learn from. My grandmother and my dad. Between the two of them I should be in good shape.
Love your new summer look! Wish you were here with us.......
Love you!
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