Well fellow bloggers........i am about to embark on a VERY long trip, along with my daughter, Heidi and her children, (my grandchildren) Carter and Ava! Isn't that exciting? i mean really? i mean i THINK it is exciting.........oh.........i HOPE it will be exciting......the trip, i mean........i mean the actual traveling part of the TRIP...............the part where we are all together in the car......ALL EIGHTEEN PLUS HOURS of the STINKIN TRIP!........WHAT are we doing???????? WHAT is wrong with us???????? Do we think we are SUPER WOMAN????........I mean.........truthfully.......how are two kids going to stay strapped into a car seat for 18 hours????????.........well, i might be exaggerating on the 18 hours.........then again i might NOT be.......i need to check the map........anyway..........TEN hours would be grueling.........and i KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is WAY MORE than 10 hours!
PLUS! i will be traveling with my daughter.........and i hate to tell ya, but neither of us are exactly GREAT with traveling directions!......ummmmmmmmm HELLOOOOOOOOO....remember Heidi when you tried to make it to Pittsburgh???..........now i am really scaring myself.......i am getting the last minute heebie jeebies......oh boy.....will we even make it at all????
WELL, folks........i guess it remains to be seen.......we may have some REAL interesting blogging for yall!.......but in the mean time........PLEEZE pleeze PRAY for us, ok???????? Don't you feel the need????
We will be leaving around 5am this coming Sat. morning........and our GOAL is to go ALL the way to Forest City, Iowa! That is where my parents are and where we will spend our first 4 to 5 days.........so..........stay tuned......this story might be a COMEDY , it might be a DRAMA, it might be a FRIGHT show, but i KNOW it will NOT be BORING!
PS.......i just checked the map.......they say MORE than 16 hours.......guess what that means for US???????? oh yea baby.......add at LEAST 2 more hours for potty stops......oh boy..........i was SOOOOO hoping i was wrong about the 18 hours........
Hey! I'm GREAT at directions! The Pittsburgh thing was Emily's fault!! I've traveled BY MYSELF all over the country with 0 problems!! Just let ME lead the way...............(but please have Dad print off directions first!:-)
It is easy to get to Iowa. Drive north, then west, then north, then west, then north awhile until you see corn and beans for as far as the eye can see. Watch for cows, pigs and tornadoes.
Don't look at the destination as your whole trip! The trip is part of the fun! There are a million things to see between here and there. Take your cameras and plan to stop to see some of it.
Can't wait to see you all next week. You'll have to take a tour of your stomping grounds and see how things have changed...and how they have stayed the same.
Josh calls their trips to Iowa going "back in time". Whatever...
Beth, come on now.........you just confirmed everybody's conception of Iowa being NOTHING but cows, pigs, and corn! and tornadoes!.......while it is TRUE........Iowa is quite HIP, right???? please say I am right!!!!!!!!!!!..............
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