.........anyway..............i am dog-sitting this week for my baby granddog........or i should say my giant baby grand-dog, BARKLEY.........while his MOM and DAD are in Iowa for an emergency trip.........Josh's brother has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and they have been with the family as Justin goes thru tests in Iowa City....... i know they would appreciate and be so grateful for your prayers at this time.........
well........Barkley knows me as NEE NEE, since he was a baby they called me that in front of him........and he goes absolutely WILD at the mention of my name........(oh my.......wish everyone did! ha!...just kidding)...........when all of us lived in Iowa and he was very young........he would go to the window and watch us leave after visiting their house and he would cry for a while! (LOVE IT!)..............
so, now you know he is just a BIG LUG of a DOG, full of LOVE...and he is hilarious! He absolutely LIVES the ENTIRE day, just to get a chance to lick any leftover food residue from Simba's dish..........we have to hide it and regulate Simba's eating schedule.........or Barkley would never care if his "pal" ever got a bite to eat! Of course...Simba resents the very ground Barkley walks on, as he resents ALL other dogs PERIOD!...he is SUCH a BRAT!.....altho every night at about 9:00 they both have a good round of TAG! they make so much noise we have to stop them, lest the neighbors turn us in!
well....he has been a very good boy, at least mostly, during his stay here....except for his BARKING!.....he has a GREAT NAME, that mirrors exactly what he DOES!.........i always say..."BARKLEY....NO BARKING!".........you know like the cartoon....SWIPER! NO SWIPING!....
but the funniest thing happened the first night he was here....you see, both Larry and I get some kind of reaction to him when we are first around him........something to do with the dander in his coat or something........and Larry also gets terribly red, itchy eyes around ALL dogs, and especially BARKLEY........so Larry had crawled into bed.........and as soon as he got settled.......he started complaining about his eyes.........and the only way to relieve it is to wash his eyes out with water for a long time..........so he had to get OUT of bed and do that........which made him just a LITTLE bit irritated.........and made me a LITTLE bit nervous of how the night was going to go........i talked Larry into taking an ADVIL PM.........fearing he would not get any sleep otherwise.......which thankfully KNOCKED him right out! :)..........i got the dogs to calm down and went to bed also.........
well, at about 3am.......i got up to go "potty"..........and of course Barkley got up to greet me, happy and a rearin to GO..........which annoyed my tired little self...........so i told him.........'YOU GO NIGHT NIGHT RIGHT NOW!"........and he obeyed.....or so i thought.........so i get ready to climb back into bed, not seeing him anywhere, of course it was quite dark, so i wasn't seeing much of ANYTHING.........and i put my hand on the bed to get the "lift" i need to plop in.........and oh my word! i touched BARKLEY!.........as i focused my eyes i beheld the FUNNIEST site ever..........he was totally stretched out....his head was on my pillow, nonetheless..........and the FUNNIEST OF ALL.........he was almost touching LARRY!!!!!.............i didn't know whether to laugh or scream! i did neither! i laughed my heart out......INSIDE........and whispered very sternly........YOU GET OUT OF THIS BED RIGHT NOW!.............if Larry had woke up before i got that dog out of bed..........honestly i don't know what would have happened!!!! he is not the greatest to wake up out of a dead sleep anyway........and especially in the middle of the night!..........oh if i had only had a camera! but i would NOT have DARED to take the time, risking Larry staring at a BIG BLACK, LOUNGING BARKLEY beside him!
of course he did not even KNOW what happened until he came home from work the next day........i assured him i had washed the bedding and any trace of dog hair was GONE!.............
oh BARKLEY...........you are SO FUNNY!
I'm Barkley's other grandma. He loves me, but not like Nee Nee! He is the silliest dog ever, and has a big heart. I have seen pictures of Barkley leading Simba around the house by his leash! I could not figure out how Simba would allow such a thing, but Barkley loved it.
Barkley is the best dog in the world, and has never done anything wrong--I swear!!!
I love it! We had a great time tonight and really enjoyed hanging out with y'all. See you Sunday...Luv ya! :)
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