Okay......i am going to leave a few little comments here today about Cabbage Patch dolls........
YES.........my son, Peter had one as a child!.......i really do not think he particularly requested one, however, back in those days...........one had to put forth a great deal of effort in order to obtain a CABBAGE PATCH doll!!!......that's right!........they had JUST hit the market......everyone had been doing the "homemade" variety because the retail dolls cost in the hundreds of dollars........and THEN.......they brought the price down and mass produced them (oh those smart, smart Cabbage Patch CEO'S).......and when they first hit the market.........and of course you KNOW they did not produce enough to please the DEMAND.........so women like ME.........stood in line for hours to obtain them....for between $50.00 and $80.00 each!...........okay, not really.........i won't stand in line for anything.....really i won't...........HOWEVER........i DO remember, at the coaxing of one of my other Cabbage Patch crazed friends.......standing in the parking lot of a store.........waiting for a doll as it was brought off the SEMI truck!!!......... all the while thinking about "how much they will be worth in ten years"....yeah, right.......so we got what they handed us and we were as delighted as a squirrel in a peanut factory!!!........but i only did that ONCE...honestly!........the "others" came from the store...OR i had one of those CRAZED friends get me one!!!..........
SO..........we all had a doll, except Larry..........and i must admit......they were so ugly, they were adorable!!!.........so as time went on , i continued to purchase them.......and to this day, i still LOVE them!.........actually......Hope reminds me so much of myself in so many ways.......and her love of C.P. dolls is one of them........so funny......i guess she inherited the "love CP gene" from ME! :)..........OR..........she inherited it from her DADDY!......ha ha...........who inherited it from ME..........ha ha
ANYHOO......back to Peter.........so somewhere there in the craze of CP dolls "back in the day"........he got one!.......i will stick up for him........i don't think he really "played" with it........seriously..........he was so cute.......it was always on his bed, along with......yup, you guessed it.......the sock monkey, and his teddy bear...and maybe a few other "creatures"........laying on his pillow............on his bed that he MADE almost every day, MIGHT I TELL YOU!.........so sweet........so when he pulled these things out of that GOOD trunk at church a few weeks ago.......i didn't know whether to cry or laugh!......fortunately i laughed......and my heart was doing a great big awwwwwwwwww!
and now, folks, i am going to be brave and make a statement.........he has taken a lot of kidding for having a CP......well here is what I, his MAMA says........IT TAKES A REAL MAN TO ADMIT AND EVEN SHOW HIS CHILDHOOD DOLLS AND TOYS IN CHURCH!!!.........and what's more.......all of you.........you KNOW you love it!!!!!.........
We weren't allowed to have a CP doll, probably due to price, but other reasons were quoted. I missed the original CP showing, but I have to defend Pete this once. When I was little, my best friend in our condo was a boy. We played with dolls (healthy, clean mom and dad) until his dad found out and forbade him. So I am very glad you let Pete play with dolls. Oh! And my stepdad had to learn to play Barbies in his 40's with my baby sister. It was commonplace to come home and find the little sis on the couch and my sd combing Barbie's hair.
Since I only had sons and nephews when the Cabbage Patch Kids were popular, it didn't even cross our minds. HOWEVER...my boys had Pound Puppies. I would praise them when they took good care of them, saying, "you are going to be SUCH a good Daddy someday because you take such good care of your puppy".
There was a coupon with each puppy that gave us a free collar with a personalized tag. The boys got to name their own puppy. I can't remember what Josh named his, but Jason's was Brownie and Justin's was Bom Bom (he was just a baby and couldn't say whatever it was that he was thinking of...)anyway, all the puppies are still around, with their red hooded jackets, collars and tags...
So Pete isn't the only one with his childhood toys in a trunk.
I woke up last night and that cabbage patch kid was in our bed!! OK, i'm kidding!!
Way to take up for you doll-lovin' son!! Just kidding. I think its cute that he had a CP doll.....not gonna get my boys one --- times are different now ya know.
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