so to end the sleepover "saga"........i will close with some TO DIE FOR quotes directly from their sweet little mouths!
i was talking to the girls about how they are almost too big for my little kid's table and i might need to put it away, then i said, well we just need some more babies! i then mentioned that maybe Hannah will give us some babies!...........Addie puts her hands in the air in a very adult manner and says emphatically..........."oh i SO wish Hannah would have a baby!"...........THEN she looked at Ava and said in such an ADORABLE manner.............."then we'd have a baby BROTHER!!!".............now i am still not sure if she meant she AND Hope would have a brother.........or that she and Ava would have a brother........i dared NOT say a word, for fear of ruining such a PRECIOUS moment...........even tho both scenarios would be WRONG!!!!...........but heck, who cares if she understands it yet or not..............i was gushing in delight to hear it!.........and btw..........NO ONE mentioned a word about a boy! she just assumes Hannah will have a BOY!!!...how funny!
another precious moment:
we have a BLOW UP BED!...that's right! a BLOW UP BED!...........it is for the sake of our grandchildren to sleep on.......and of course they LOVE the process!......and Larry always makes a big deal about it and they love to get on/off while it is BLOWING UP..........OK.......so remember, Larry is out of town and i cannot DO the BLOW UP BED.........so when the girls find this out.....they are very very disappointed!...........so Addie proceeds to say in a very sad voice.........i sure do miss Pap Pap.......we need him here to do all the STRONG things!!!............awwwwwwwwwwwwww
last but not least
somehow......not sure WHY........but the STEELERS were brought up........to which AVA said.......my daddy likes the Steelers
me: oh no honey your daddy does not like the Steelers AT ALL...........he likes the Cleveland BROWNS!...
Ava:.......(with wrinkled nose and frown).........the BROWNS????
me: yes, the BROWNS.......but YOU can like the STEELERS like i do and Pap Pap does!
Addie:. well i know ONE thing for SURE...........MY DAD LOVES THE STEELERS!!!!
(now i realize to many of you, this is NOT funny.......but if you ONLY knew the competition in our family over their OWN team choice,and how much Craig HATES the Steelers, you would understand that it is funny.........and btw...ADDIE was right!!!!)
OF COURSE Hannah would have a boy! There is no such thing as a girl in the Bickford family...just ask and they will tell you! And so far...they are right.
I know someone who used to play for the Steelers back in the
1960's. His name is Andy Russell. Does it ring a bell? Let you know how later.
Okay, now I am laughing out loud!! They are a MESS!!!!
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