okay.....do you see this picture of Carter??? Whilst i can barely STAND to look upon it, i realized that it symbolizes how i have been feeling the last several days! and i am NOT kidding!!! (by the way, remember when we were kids and we crossed our eyes and our parents very emphatically told us NOT to do that, lest they STAY that way?????...i wonder how much truth there is to that???)
well, anyway.....i have been experiencing MAJOR drama at work (MICHAELS).....firstly...last week i find out that ALL classes at our store are going away....YES...going away, except for the cake decorating class (they had a contract).......but i had to keep it a secret....well...that wasn't easy...but I did.....then all of a sudden while our managers were in yearly corporate meetings we get a message to TEAR down our class room and repaint everything to white.....and to STOP all classes unless they had previously signed up.....which meant the Mommy and Me class that I teach!...........so as we in astonishment proceed to follow orders.....and wonder what in the live long world is going on.........we had to post a sign that stated there were no more classes....blah blah blah...................so as the mommies and children march in yesterday, as they usually do....or i should say as many of the darling children come running in, flailing about, hugging me....etc. etc...............they are stopped dead in their tracks to find there is NO class!!!!....well...OMG.....what followed was totally unexpected! just let me tell you.....don't get MOMMIES mad!!!!.....they weren't mad at US...but at Michaels corporate...or whoever was responsible......and for the rest of the day.....we learned that they were calling corporate, emailing corporate and in general it was an all out rebellion!!!! no kiddding! one school teacher (she is on break this week).......tried calling Cnn...Fox news etc. etc.!!!!! Several ladies were threatening to picket our store!!!!!!........well our manager got the "MEMO" of the uprising at his meeting...as well as our district manager..,.and they called to find out what was going on....and of course they were not happy.......and all i have to say is......DUH....what did you expect??????...........we ran a wonderful , educating, worthwhile program and have a VERY loyal following (who by the way spend a TON of money in the store).......and without warning they are told there is NO class???
well, there is no end to the story yet..... more drama to the saga, i am sure.....but there is rumor that the calls are doing some good......and i am glad
what? you ask, what about MY job???? good question! that remains to be answered...there are several speculations.....and the word from corporate is that everyone will be offered a position....(frankly, that sounds a little too political for me...they must have gotten that line from some lawyer) but unless Mommy and Me is re-instated....the job i had much passion for has gone away forever.....hey, maybe we DO need to picket???? ha ha
and for the record.....the managers in our store in Canton....have nothing to do with these decisions....it goes beyond that.....to the top I guess....
but just tell me....what is Michaels without classes???? it's like milk without cookies....like children without laughter..... like dogs without fleas....well....you get the point....
okay.....so if you are reading this and would like to join the rebellion....just call 1-800 Michaels.....and give them your opinion.....because the cancellation of classes is not just local, it is nationwide......
I can't believe what Michael's is doing. But not every store has a Sandi Lou working there to make fabulous projects to bring in lots of people. Our classes here in Ankeny are just blah. Nothing to get excited over. Hope they have a change of mind. What will you do at Michael's???
Yep! That's my son!! WOO HOO!!
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