just so you know.........my plans for business are STILL in full swing! of course i thought it would be a "breeze" getting going.....but of course it is not.....and even tho i feel like i am wasting time doing research.....it is not a waste at all....i am learning so much, basically by looking at other businesses.......i sometimes get very weary at the desk and computer and my "backside" gets numb, i kid you not,.......but i keep going because of what i am learning.....what TO do and what NOT TO DO!.......and of course i won't really know until i do it for myself!
anyway!.....today my goal is to get my studio "WORK READY".....i love it and it is great for occasional creating.....but definitely NOT set up for serious work.........so i have a lot to do and if i don't get off this computer now......well....it won't get done, will it?......so don't give up on me!!!! ...one example of research.......little Miss Lollie wouldn't have been born if i wasn't researching and learning new things!......and oh my goodness! call me a SAP........but i am VERY excited about her and what will come after her.......she fits perfectly in a hand......she is somewhat poseable......and of course her wool dress is so soft.......oh my goodness....i could go on and on.........and actually i said she is not a toy....i am realizing she COULD be for little girls......but she would NOT withstand abuse of any kind! she would be a collector type thing......anyway......keep watching........SOME DAY you will see my business launch!

1 comment:
Way to go Sandi! It is NEVER to late!!! Your little Miss Lollie is too cute. :o)
I wish you the best of luck!
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