OKAY, so.......i blogged about Carter and Ava spending this past weekend with us....so we get up Sun. morn., the kids had cereal and got dressed and i put the shark documentary on....(at their insistence......honestly i do NOT push the realities of death caused by sharks on them)......soon afterwards Carter tells me he doesn't feel well........

so i find him flat on the floor.......he still found it in him to smile, unlike his little sister........
well, we hustled our way to church.......while Carter continually was on the downward slope to utter illness.....
we had planned to visit Larry's job site, since his job there would end this week and he wanted the kids to see the swimming pool he built and he wanted them to play on the playground he built.......plus see the whole facility as a whole that he has been working on for many months......
well.......poor little Carter had to "bow" out.....he just was not UP to it so he went home with Aunt Hannah.......and we took off for the job site with Peter and fam and Ava!
i had packed a VERY simple picnic lunch......but it was TOOOOOO hot to eat outside so we ate in the conference room of Larry's office facility......and the kids played for a short time.........honestly tho......it was too hot for ANY of us! so no one lasted terribly long.......i retreated to the heavenly air conditioning of the car while the kids played a little......the following pics tell the story!
BTW.......is this not what daddy's are for????
my how quickly situations change!

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