okay.......so here we are....in my newly organized STUDIO......me at my computer on one side and the two busy bees on the work table behind me.....listening to their conversation is absolutely hilarious, to say the least......they are playing TEACHER........as well as many other "professions", such as SECRETARY........they have just had their BATH, after an exhausting, albeit filthy playtime in our little park......and needless to say.......i have NOT combed their hair......but i DID wash their hair!........yea me!!!....i don't have to send them home tomorrow with dirty hair.....OR dirty bodies.......(.i will try very hard to keep them clean in the morning)....
unfortunately i forgot to take my coffee press with leftover coffee in it downstairs from this morning.......so of course they really think they are hotshots...drinking my coffee!!!....i think i will pay for THIS one......
they are also sneaking into pap pap's office and into the jelly belly machine........and actually........they cleaned it out....yup, GONE.....so i wonder what jelly bellies and COFFEE will do to these two???........oh boy.......
i am keeping some notes on some of their CONVOS!.......will post that tomorrow, or SOME time!
anyway.......can you tell how much this.....NEENEE/NANA LOVES these little munchkins????..........there are NO words........
well.......they want popcorn...since this IS a SLEEPOVER......uh huh.......at 11:20......we are going to have popcorn.......we can do WHATEVER we want.......
it is such a GOOD thing there are NO moms around.....
boy, do i ever love this JOB
Be sure they eat tons of candy right before you have to give them back to the parents:) Also, give them some coffee on top of that. I am sure the parents won't mind one bit. Hahahaha
I love the pictures AND the fact that they were drinking coffee!! She is upstair sound asleep right now! Thank for the sleepover....she had a BLAST!
SOOOOOOO, how's the lack of sleep workin for ya today?? huh? huh? huh?
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