this is the view i have from my couch, looking outside, THRU my blinds......onto my little patio! as i was sitting on my couch, having my quiet time with the Lord and meditating on what He was teaching me this one particular morning........i was kind of staring out my door.......and suddenly i realized how very cool the blinds made my patio scene look! of course i thought I MUST get a picture of is just so cool, then i went on to think what a fitting lesson it gives.......WHAT IS OUR VIEW???? of anything, really??? everyone it is different! with a world of different views.......who is right? and how can you know???? i look out onto the patio i see my little iron furniture out there........but the view is "filtered" thru my blinds........what is your view?........what is it filtered thru? what do you measure it against? hope and my prayer is that it is filtered thru God's Word......that is how we "shape" our views......thru His Word......if our views do not hold to Scripture......well........then we need to CLOSE THE BLINDS on that view!
Ps. 119:
" Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law."
"Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors."
"Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart."
1 comment:
You see through the eyes of a true 'artist'... i love it! Hope you have a wonderful day.
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