we had Carter and Ava with us this past weekend! as always, it was ACTION packed, FUN, well, even HILARIOUS.......and of course so heart warming to these two grandparents, Pap Pap and NeeNee!.......now action packed to MOST of you would be spending the time at wild amusement parks, on the go constantly .........but to US.......it is NON stop PLAYING! of course we spent a LOT of time doing craft projects and coloring..........honestly........i do NOT force it on them.......they LOVE it........we didn't even get out of our jammies until 2 or 3 pm on Saturday!!!..........i suggested to the kids that we get in the car and go somewhere in the afternoon, to which they responded with a resounding NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!............so we continued with our fun and playing in the house......one thing they love is to go to a coloring page site online and pick out pictures for me to print for their coloring enjoyment! they pick out their pictures so very carefully, as if they were shopping in a candy shop!!!........so precious!...........one of our favorite things when the kiddos stay overnite is that darling little wake up in the morning......hey, i am not kidding! ....tho i wish and hope for it to NOT be too early, most of the time it IS........however.......as soon as i can get one eye open and see those little faces beside my bed, gently whispering NEE NEE......it's all over....i am a sucker and soon forget how tired i am!!!.........to see their morning delights and giggles is a cherished memory!!!

here is little miss AVA, who wouldn't smile for anything........of course i was begging her, to which she become even more determined NOT to......

here are a few AVA quotes from the weekend........on Sat. nite she wanted to show me her Church dress.....(in the pic above)........she wrinkled her nose and promptly told me :......."church is boring......so i can wear a dress!"...........hmmmmmm her second funny quote was on Sun. morning while they were watching a shark documentary and how sharks have been known to tear human flesh from limb to limb.....she glibly announced "........i don't think i need to go to beaches any more......i'm gonna stick to the pool"!!!...........oh Ava Ava Ava...........
Ummm, excuse me, but what about the funniest comment of all?? You know.....The one about the CRAP!!
Now, you just HAVE to post that!!! We are still laughing about that one over here!!
oh yea.........Ava was standing behind me in a chair fooling around with my hair (may i remind you........we were still in jammies and NO showers had been taken yet).....anyway........she puts her nose in my hair and exclaims: "Nee Nee.......your hair smells like crap!"........well i lost it... and laughed the entire day and next about it.......she is such a monkey.......she really is almost 4going on almost 16!
LOL! Kid are great :o) They tell it like it is, even when we don't want to hear it!
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