this is what i am doing.....CONSTANTLY......however, i am feeling better, at least feeling other words.....that getting hit by a MAC truck feeling is gone....(btw.....where in the world did that saying come from? there such a thing as a MAC truck?...just sayin....)
thank you to those who have prayed for my Dad and my is so much appreciated .....both are doing better....and stable, for, please don't stop praying!

tomorrow is drawing day!!!!! so keep checking back! i will try to post tomorrow evening or Tuesday morning!
Glad to know that you are feeling better. Missed you at church.
glad you are feeling better!
yep, a MACK truck. Mack is a very popular brand of truck. The only reason I know is because when my parents moved us to the country (lots of mfg companies in the country), the kids that rode the bus with us played counting Mack trucks instead of VW bugs.
so i guess...if one got hit in the head with a MACK truck, one would feel somewhat like i have felt for the last week, huh????
(ie, dizzy, disoriented, aching, miserable,etc. etc.)
SO glad you are feeling better Sandi! Oh and I'm not sad as much as I am coming into my own... My own version of "Art Therapy" is working and in order to let go of things I have to address them. I can't give them to the Lord if I deny the existence of things that still hurt me...sort of finally healing old wounds lately... Not much anyone can do but the fact that you noticed means the world to me! Thank you!
Glad your getting better!
Assuming you survived, then yes, you would feel dizzy, lightheaded, disoriented all that good stuff. Might as well skip that flu shot now that you've had it! Hope you feel better soon!
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