oh my! this is what i feel like:

this is what i need:

this is where i need to be with what i need:
i am so upset....doggone it......my body has given into the cold/flu......it never fails.....that little nose trickle......scratchy throat....which soons turns to SORE throat......sneezing...blowing the nose......that indescribable feeling of being hit by a MAC truck......aching........oh oh oh.......i am not happy...i have tooo much to do!

i am trying zicam......it is supposed to "shorten" a cold.....hope it does! you can google zicam and go to their site and print a coupon or two if you want! i used two of them......one for daytime and one for nighttime!.....will report how it does for me......
i am about to take the nighttime dosage.......hope it sends me to faraway sleepland! ...well...not too far.....you know what i mean.......
over and out
Hope you feel better soon!!!!
Sorry you feel so bad - If I lived close I would bring you a big pot ot soup!
Take care of yourself and Ihope you get to feeling better!
Sandi, get better!
The pictures are cute!
Zicam works but you have to take it at the first sign of the tickle to get the full effect. If I catch it early on, I can drive the cold away, it is when I don't that I get the cold anyway but like in fast forward.
Sandi, it's Thursday. I hope you're feeling better!
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