it is still TODAY...and i am still DEPRESSED......but am trying to "get a grip".......i took some "heat" today at work from co-workers whose candidate won....i did NOT respond to their "geering".....quite frankly, i was afraid of either crying OR heaven forbid......LOSING MY COOL...BIG TIME!.....i am quite surprised there are not more people in jail for losing their tempers and going nuts over this thing.....when i feel i could so easily become one of those people!.......and honestly.......it is not a normal part of my nature to be like that.....but boy, this election and the great disappointment of the end result has really left me , well, NUTS, i guess!
having said that....i have been reminding myself ALL day, as i have allowed a day of utter pity.......that i am a child of THE KING......THE KING.......get it??? NOT mr. Obama or any other political leader, but THE KING......and now i need to act like it!
so what does that mean???
well , here is what it means to me:
mr. Obama is the President Elect......
i WILL pray for him.....
i will pray for God to open his eyes and his heart to Biblical instruction, for Godly wisdom and for Godly obedience......
i Will pray for his eyes to be opened to the atrocity of the thousands upon thousands of unborn babies who are literally SLAUGHTERED and left in garbage pails in hospitals and abortion clinics all over this nation......that he will repent of his past voting record to allow this.....and he will put a STOP to this SIN......
i WILL pray for mr. Obama to retract his statement about not wanting his daughters to be "punished" by a pregnancy at an inconvenient time...i WILL pray he will be deeply convicted over such a statement
i WILL pray for him to honor and obey God's very distinct and explicit warnings about homosexuality, and he will honor the institution of marriage between one man and one woman.......i WILL pray for him to change his stand on these issues and strongly oppose them
i WILL pray for him to see the absolute neccessity of maintaining a strong national defense and finishing the war, to keep our nation safe
i WILL pray for him to have GODLY WISDOM and discernment
i WILL pray for him to have strength, physical, mental and spiritual....
i Will pray for him to choose his staff in accordance to Godly principles
i WILL pray for his family
i WILL pray for our nation as a whole, that we might fall on our knees and turn from our wicked ways........that we might "hear" from God.....
i WILL pray for those who think they have the right to do nothing, to not work, but still have all the privileges of those who work hard to provide for their families...i WILL pray for them to come to first of all...the Biblical, Godly truth of salvation, and then for them to see the value of hard work
i WILL pray for mr. Obama to change his course on "redistributing" the wealth.......
i WILL pray for the many many things i do not understand AT ALL, or even know about......i WILL pray for God's Divine wisdom and guidance as we step into this "new" chapter in our nation.
to say the least.....things are going to be interesting, as the next few months unfold and the "true" temperature of TRUTH is disclosed, apart from campaign rhetoric and downright nonsense.....the truth of how many promises REALLY can be kept.....the truth of how bi-partisan the newly elected really are......on and on......
so, please, be on your knees for our nation......if ever there was a time for interceding, it is NOW.
if ever there was a time for interceding, it is NOW.......AMEN Sister!!!
Preach it sister.
AMEN! You said it all.
Sandi you have put words to the feeling in my heart!!!!
I truly fear for the moral future of our country when a man who has no respect for life in it's most innocent stage, is going to lead our country.
We are Praying!!!!!
that is such a good way to put it...NO respect for human life in it's most INNOCENT stage....there is NEVER a moment, when i think of the unborn babies that i do not tear up and mourn, for they have NO voice,....the ONLY solace we have is to KNOW they will ALL be in HEAVEN, where we will one day be re-united with them if we know Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour.
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