i have managed to get "some" work done, amidst the chaos of illness and keeping a close tag on my Dad's health condition in the hospital, and now my mother-in-law in the hospital!....
I love the snowman's little face and crooked grin and skinny neck! He's got character! Your talent must be a comfort to you, Sandi, at a time like this. I think that's just one of the many graces in being given this gift. God knows how to help us have balance in our lives.
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” -2 Peter 1:5-8
Welcome to Paint Puddles! I am Sandi Hixson. I would like to invite you to experience these classes, they are FUN, interactive experiences for kids from ages 3-8 to enjoy with their parent(s) grandparent(s) or guardian. We will start and finish a small, simple, but quality project, enjoying and learning in the creative process. You will want to keep these projects. They will be largely patterned around the seasons and holidays.
First Family Church, 317 SE Magazine Rd., Ankeny, Iowa
The classes will be held the first four Mondays of each month, unless there is a scheduled holiday.
the cost per craft is $7.50. If you have several within your family, a dollar per child will be deducted.
We are trying a new time slot of 2-6pm! Come when you can...with your arrival no later than 5pm!
Allow about 40 minutes to one hour for completion. For further information email me at: sandi.hixson@gmail.com
or call me at
I love the snowman's little face and crooked grin and skinny neck! He's got character!
Your talent must be a comfort to you, Sandi, at a time like this. I think that's just one of the many graces in being given this gift. God knows how to help us have balance in our lives.
you are so right Diane......i get so much out of just sitting and being creative and when i don't exercise it......i am OFF kilter!
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope he is better soon. I will say a prayer for him, and you with your cold.
Nancy Lou
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