the following is a devotion from Micca Cambell......please read...and please pray....and please VOTE!
Billy Graham said...."To get nations back on their feet, we must FIRST get down on our knees."
Duty and Privilege
Micca Monda Campbell
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"
Psalm 33:12 (NIV)
Tomorrow, November 4th, millions of Americans will have the opportunity to elect new leaders of government. If you live in the United States, I encourage you to be among them and exercise your right to vote. I encourage you to vote for both your national and your local leaders.
While the Bible does not command us to vote, it does command us to be good citizens wherever we live. One way we can be a good citizen, honor God, and assist in guiding our nation is by voting.
As a woman, I'm honored to take part in determining the direction of our nation. Before the 1900's, women in America were not allowed the privilege to vote, and in some countries they still cannot. I look at voting for our leaders not only as my citizen's duty, but also as a privilege millions of people in the world do not have.
I take my right to vote so seriously that in 1992, while nine months pregnant and restricted to bed rest, I had my mother drive me forty-five minutes to vote in the presidential election. I allowed nothing to stand in my way of exercising my right to vote. Eight days later, I gave birth to a healthy little girl - to whom I hope to pass on my political passion for voting.
There's no doubt about it, voting is both a duty and a privilege. However, I realize that some people won't take the time and trouble to vote because they don't believe their ballot will make much of a difference. That's not true. Statistics show that many elections have come down to only a handful of votes.
What would happen if most people felt that their vote didn't really matter and didn't bother to vote? It would mean that our country's future would be decided by only a few of its citizens-- who perhaps don't hold the same convictions as yours.
Deciding whom to vote for can seem a daunting task. But voting is easier once you and I pray about it, and seek out good information about the candidates and the issues they address. The fact that there is moral haziness in politics these days indicates our need to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance when examining the issues as well as the candidates.
November 4th is a day of opportunity for America. It's a day to stand up for what we believe in. It's a day to voice those beliefs and be heard. It's a day to take the time to vote as we honor our Christian heritage, and bring glory to God. For "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!"
Dear Lord, in this upcoming election, I pray that You will move in the hearts of Your people in this nation to vote. I pray You will work in and through our leaders to guide and bless this nation -- may it be so in all nations, Lord! Guide us by your Spirit, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
n on our knees."
Micca Monda Campbell
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord"
Psalm 33:12 (NIV)
Tomorrow, November 4th, millions of Americans will have the opportunity to elect new leaders of government. If you live in the United States, I encourage you to be among them and exercise your right to vote. I encourage you to vote for both your national and your local leaders.
While the Bible does not command us to vote, it does command us to be good citizens wherever we live. One way we can be a good citizen, honor God, and assist in guiding our nation is by voting.
As a woman, I'm honored to take part in determining the direction of our nation. Before the 1900's, women in America were not allowed the privilege to vote, and in some countries they still cannot. I look at voting for our leaders not only as my citizen's duty, but also as a privilege millions of people in the world do not have.
I take my right to vote so seriously that in 1992, while nine months pregnant and restricted to bed rest, I had my mother drive me forty-five minutes to vote in the presidential election. I allowed nothing to stand in my way of exercising my right to vote. Eight days later, I gave birth to a healthy little girl - to whom I hope to pass on my political passion for voting.
There's no doubt about it, voting is both a duty and a privilege. However, I realize that some people won't take the time and trouble to vote because they don't believe their ballot will make much of a difference. That's not true. Statistics show that many elections have come down to only a handful of votes.
What would happen if most people felt that their vote didn't really matter and didn't bother to vote? It would mean that our country's future would be decided by only a few of its citizens-- who perhaps don't hold the same convictions as yours.
Deciding whom to vote for can seem a daunting task. But voting is easier once you and I pray about it, and seek out good information about the candidates and the issues they address. The fact that there is moral haziness in politics these days indicates our need to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance when examining the issues as well as the candidates.
November 4th is a day of opportunity for America. It's a day to stand up for what we believe in. It's a day to voice those beliefs and be heard. It's a day to take the time to vote as we honor our Christian heritage, and bring glory to God. For "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!"
Dear Lord, in this upcoming election, I pray that You will move in the hearts of Your people in this nation to vote. I pray You will work in and through our leaders to guide and bless this nation -- may it be so in all nations, Lord! Guide us by your Spirit, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
n on our knees."
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ty for this great reminder... most of us feel very strongly one way or the other about our political party, but no matter WHAT party we stand for we must always put God first and know that He is in control all the time, no matter what, no matter when, no matter where :) And that as Americans we need to practice our right to vote! :) ty
Hey Sandy! I actually found you the other week through Heidi's blog and I quickly checked out all of the Hixson family blogs, but I neglected to comment...What a beautiful family you have. It is a fun stage of life--pity all of us couldn't have a Stafford/Hixson reunion because that would be a hoot. I will be back. :)
Oh, I voted alright...........and lived to blog about it!
I voted last week....I am watching the results come in and I aint happy with what I am seeing! ;-)
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